You can’t have a game without rules. And you can’t have rules without someone to enforce them. We need you to do that for these kids. It’s the best seat in the house and, along with coaching, the best way to help the youngsters have a great game. And did we mention it’s fun!
We have veteran umpires who will train you to do as much or as little as you want. Here’s how to get started and a good place to check in from time to time to get help.
1. Register as a volunteer at the Volunteer Hub
- This allows us to communicate with you and order a background check.
- Little League rules require all volunteers to undergo a simple electronic background check. It’s free and only takes a few minutes to complete the questionnaire.
- They will subscribe you to our Google Group, through which we communicate.
- You’ll receive updates on training and other important information.
We’ll take it from there! ⚾🌟