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What is Club/Select/Travel Baseball and Softball?

Exploring the "IF's" and "WHO's" of the comittment to a club/select/travel team can be daunting.

NCLL attempts to help by providing an introduction to local club teams through various programs throughout the year. It allows you a chance to get to know the coaches and them to get to know your child. It's a great way to see if your child is ready — or even desires — to take that next step in the level of competition.

Below are the key distinctions and a list of the local club teams.

NOTE: While many of us within NCLL have differing opinions and views on this aspect of kids baseball and softball, we generally agree that 7-8 is early, and in the case of softball, difficult to find. Focus on fun and a love of the game.

Recreational Leagues (e.g., Little League)

  • These leagues typically begin with Tee Ball, which can start for children as young as 4 years old.
  • Progression through divisions (coach-pitch, player-pitch, etc.) occurs through the pre-teen years.
  • The emphasis is on participation, learning fundamentals, and having fun.

Club Programs

  • Increased travel and practice come with increased cost both financially and with your time.
  • These programs are generally more competitive and require tryouts.
  • They can begin at a wide range of ages, but it's increasingly common to see them start as early as 7 or 8 years old
  • However, the most common time that players begin participating in these programs is around the ages of 9 through 12.
  • These programs often involve more travel, a greater time commitment, and a higher level of competition.
  • The goal is often to develop players for higher levels of baseball/softball, such as high school and college.
  • There are often multiple teams within one program of different skilled players.

Key Points

  • The age at which a child enters a club program varies depending on the organization and the level of competition.
  • There's a trend toward younger ages in select baseball/softball, but it's crucial to ensure that children maintain a healthy balance between sports and other activities.
  • It is important to remember that every child develops at their own rate.
  • It's essential to consider the child's physical, emotional, and social development when deciding whether to enter a club program.
  • Costs — both finanical and time — must be factored into your decision.

Local Club Teams



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