How to Find Out About Rainouts
- City of Seattle Rainout Hotline: (206) 233-0055 (updated weekdays at 3:30 p.m.)
- Seattle Parks & Recreation Field Reservations Page: (sign up for daily email updates around 12:30 and 3:30. This is probably THE number one thing you can do to keep updated.)
Who Decides if a Game is Rained Out?
- The City of Seattle's Parks Department determines if fields are unsafe.
- Team managers/league officials decide if fields are unplayable before games.
- The chief umpire can stop a game if conditions become unsafe or unplayable.
- Play stops immediately if lightning is nearby.
Note: The Parks Department hotline/email isn't updated on weekends. A large sign will be posted if a
field is closed. This leaves managers/league officials to decide if a field is playable on weekends.
When in doubt, if you can leave it better than you found it, then play ball. Otherwise, take the week off. Good
relationships with Parks and Recreation are more important and something we work very hard at.
- The NCLL Fields department, led by Tyler Christofferson, tries to get fields ready. Watch for emails/calls
to action from Fields!
- Coaches should be tuned in to the weather and will update families on the game/no game status via their
normal communication channels.
- PLEASE remember to reach out to the other coach if applicable. There is nothing worse than kids showing up
to no game.
- An informal Google Group is
often used to discuss field conditions. To join, contact NCLL Umpire Coordinators Eric Evans/Mike Giese.
Makeup Games
- Once the weather clears, league officials will coordinate with coaches and umpires to reschedule the
canceled games.
- Use the same notification channels (website, email, SMS/text, social media) to inform all parties about the
rescheduled games.