NCLL Logo Re-design 2025
Over the last couple of years, several of NCLL's long time community members and volunteers had advocated for
designing and adopting a new logo with an identity unique to NCLL. We needed something inclusive of baseball and
softball, and we wanted it to represent a place we all know so well -- The Cloverleaf at Lower Woodland, NCLL's
home fields.
The Cloverleaf has become a beloved and special place for players and families throughout their baseball journey,
from Tee Ball to AA. The countless evenings and weekends spent at the field, cheering, coaching, and umpiring,
have created lasting memories for everyone. The new logo, featuring the easily recognizable Cloverleaf, will be
worn with pride by all who have been a part of this special community.
NCLL Badge
First, our NCLL League Badge. You’ll see this classic design on our web properties, social media, emails,
letterhead, etc. We will carry the Clover Leaf throughout our branding moving forward as you see here:
NCLL Badge: Badge is the main identifier for the league when our name is required. Should be in place to
introduce any of our properties like website, social platforms, letterhead, etc.
PROHIBITION font: This will be the primary font for all apparel moving forward and is used in the logo (albeit
italicized). A consistent presentation of both logo and font generate a consistent brand experience.
Where we go from here
The new logo is rolling out now starting with gear for coaches, volunteers, and players. We are also excited to
announce the launch of our new swag store! 10% of all purchases from the store will help fund scholarships,
player development, and various initiatives to support our league. Be sure to follow us on social media for
chances to win NCLL merch! You’ll also see: